Fortune Gallery

Thought-provoking messages and inspiring notes-to-self…

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Finding your fortunes…

Make bold choices and make mistakes.
Its all those things that add up
to the person you become.
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–  Angelina Jolie

The formula of happiness and success
is just being actually yourself in the
most vivid way you possibly can.
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–  Meryl Streep

I only know I want to be wonderful.
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–  Marilyn Monroe

Sometimes good things fall apart
so better things can fall together.
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–  Marilyn Monroe

We come from homes far from perfect,
so you end up almost parent and
sibling to your friends--
your own chosen family.
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–  Jennifer Aniston

Wanting to be someone else
is a waste of the person you are.
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–  Kurt Cobain

The roughest roads
often lead to the top.
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–  Christina Aguilera

Love is like nothing else on this earth,
but only when it is shared with
someone wonderful like you.
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–  Mandy Moore

Imagination creates reality.
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–  Richard Wagner

Without deviation from the norm,
progress is not possible.
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–  Frank Zappa

If everything was perfect,
you would never learn and
you would never grow.
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–  Beyonce

You are not a problem
that needs solving.
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–  Eckhart Tolle

If you are not living this moment,
you are not really living.
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–  Eckhart Tolle

I'm grateful for always this moment,
the now, no matter what form it takes.
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–  Eckhart Tolle

You can only lose something
that you have, but you cannot
lose something that you are.
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–  Eckhart Tolle

Whatever the present moment contains,
accept it as if you had chosen it.
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–  Eckhart Tolle

To love is to recognize
yourself in another.
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–  Eckhart Tolle

Life will give you whatever experience
is most helpful for the evolution
of your consciousness.
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–  Eckhart Tolle

Stop letting your head
talk your heart out of it.
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–  Rachel Hollis

You are beautiful and worthy of
good things, and if you don't
believe that, nobody will.
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–  Rachel Hollis

Embracing chaos might be the journey
we take to finding peace.
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–  Rachel Hollis

Never break a promise to yourself.
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–  Rachel Hollis

When it comes to your dreams,
no is not an answer.
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–  Rachel Hollis

Nobody gets to tell you
how big your dreams can be.
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–  Rachel Hollis

Who you are is defined by the
next decision you make,
not the last one.
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–  Rachel Hollis

It’s not about the goal or the dream
you have. It’s about who you become
on your way to that goal.
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–  Rachel Hollis

You, and only you, are ultimately
responsible for who you become
and how happy you are.
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–  Rachel Hollis

Bravery shows up in everyday life
when people have the courage to
live their truth, their vision
and their dreams.
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–  Oprah Winfrey

We can’t become what we need
to be by remaining what we are.
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–  Max de Pree

It doesn’t matter who you are,
where you come from. The ability
to triumph begins with you, always.
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–  Oprah Winfrey

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