Fortune Gallery

Thought-provoking messages and inspiring notes-to-self…

Find the right words to say——and wear——in our gallery of fortunes written by us, you and others.

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Finding your fortunes…

Your instincts know things
before you do. Trust them.
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Note from the future:
I'm not intimidated by your past.
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Listen for the whispers.
Look for the signs.
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Take nothing personally.
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It's good to be prepared,
but stay open to surprises.
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Win your mind.
Win your life.
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Tune into the love frequency.
Tune out everything else.
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Tap into your magic.
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Love what you do so it will love you.
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Practice not-so-random
acts of discipline.
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Hurry up and fail so you can win.
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Don't write off good advice from
people who have had bad experiences.
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Mad is easier than sad,
but it's far less effective.
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When you love yourself,
people who don't love you
back become less interesting.
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If you're not where you want to be,
don't stay there for too long.
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Sit around and wait for happiness to
find you. Just kidding. Get up and
fight for it for dear life.
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Don't take credit for your talents.
Take credit for how you use them.
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Unlearn everything that you aren't.
Relearn everything that you are.
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Everything that is
was first a dream.
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Being a strong woman used to mean
you could put up with a lot without
breaking. Now it means you can put up
with a lot, but aren't willing to.
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My superpower is showing up
and working really hard.
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It's your duty to dream.
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Be the ____________ you
want to see in the world.
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Keep your next move quiet.
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Caring what other people think about
you isn't a weakness. It's accepting it
as fact that gets you in trouble.
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Free spirits don't ask
for permission.
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Be a product of your decisions,
not your circumstances.
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Go after what you want or
be happy with what you get.
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Let people discover you
over time.
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Design the version of yourself
you want to be. Then be it.
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