Fortune Gallery

Thought-provoking messages and inspiring notes-to-self…

Find the right words to say——and wear——in our gallery of fortunes written by us, you and others.

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65 F&F Originals — personal-growth

Finding your fortunes…

Unlearn everything that you aren't.
Relearn everything that you are.
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Caring what other people think about
you isn't a weakness. It's accepting it
as fact that gets you in trouble.
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Be a product of your decisions,
not your circumstances.
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Go after what you want or
be happy with what you get.
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Design the version of yourself
you want to be. Then be it.
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Being patient is less about waiting
things out until you get your way, and
more about being tolerant of what is.
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Unbecome everything that isn't you.
Become everything that is.
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Take no for an answer.
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Pay attention to the patterns.
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Make less time for life's garbage.
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Being right all of the time is limiting.
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Make mistake. Repeat.
Make mistake. Repeat.
Make mistake. Do something different.
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Follow your hunches.
Explore your doubts.
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Learn to say "I don't know" and
inherit the knowledge of the world.
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Consistency is the key to mastery.
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When you make a decision,
you commit to its journey.
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The only way to get there
is to decide to.
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Do first. Talk second.
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Make sure to do what you love,
not just what you're good at.
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Win like a rookie.
Lose like a pro.
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Do your thing.
Let other people do theirs.
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Redefine everything.
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Don't fall into a role created by
someone else. You're a natural
at the one you've got.
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You are better than your
knee-jerk reactions.
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Be really great at taking criticism.
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Let disruption and discomfort
be your guides.
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Be better at being wrong.
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Not getting what you want usually
gives you information that you need.
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Roadblocks emerge to either stop
you or reroute you. It's up to you
whether to break through them
or yield their quiet instruction.
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When doing something doesn't work,
do something different instead.
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