Here's How the F&F Team is Social Distancing
Last week, as news of the coronavirus began to spread more aggressively throughout New York City, we decided it was time to have our team work from home, rather than brave the subway system each morning.
A lot of our day-to-day work involves packing and shipping your orders, and creating fortunes, but there's a lot that goes into running the brand that can be done outside the office too.
Here's what everyone's up to...
Vivian handles all things operations. She oversees order fulfillment, tradeshow planning and our interns. When she's out of the office for too long, she starts getting worried that she'll come back and everything will be disorganized.
Her new task: Going through every single fortune our customers have ever submitted and choosing which ones we'd like to feature on our new website (coming soon!).
Victoria handles public relations, which can happen just about anywhere. She's a little bit worried that when it happens from home, she's going to go through her two-week supply of snacks in two weeks.
Mayura is a thinker and a strategist, who seems to know every single new restaurant and cool thing to do in the city. When she realized that she had to go on lockdown in her apartment, she said she secretly craves the quarantine lifestyle. Apparently, she's been posing as an extrovert to keep up with her husband. Now it's his turn to live her best life.
Kieran is our chief business guy. While we're thinking about new designs and brand vision, he's thinking about profit margins, sales and how to scale the company. (Someone's gotta do it.) He's afraid to go outside until things pass but is really itching for a good networking event.
Gretel has been practicing social distancing her whole life, so things are pretty much business as usual for her. She's been in the office every day, handling orders, designing new display materials, and building out our new fulfillment room.
Bugsy's keeping a low profile with his mom. He has no idea what's going on but wonders why the local dogs aren't allowed to play with him as much as usual. He's already eaten one of our seven toilet paper rolls.
F&F Team
Members of the Fortune & Frame team let you in on our little world: from behind-the-scenes moments and event invites to sales and early access to not-yet-released pieces. They know us better than we know ourselves, so watch for their posts on all things F&F :)