Fortune Gallery

Thought-provoking messages and inspiring notes-to-self…

Find the right words to say——and wear——in our gallery of fortunes written by us, you and others.

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40 F&F Originals — perseverance

Finding your fortunes…

You make it look easy.
The fact is it's really
hard and you do it anyway.
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Set out to do something.
Work really hard. Achieve an
outcome that reflects what
you did to get there.
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Do what you love.
The rest will fall into place.
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Fear will always be a thing.
But don't let it get in your way.
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Whatever you can do, you must do.
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Give yourself a chance to see what
happens when you don't give up.
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Do the thing.
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You can't fail if you're willing to.
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Love what you do so it will love you.
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Hurry up and fail so you can win.
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Sit around and wait for happiness to
find you. Just kidding. Get up and
fight for it for dear life.
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My superpower is showing up
and working really hard.
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Go after what you want or
be happy with what you get.
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Stop trying to skip the struggle.
You don't get to start at the
part where you're winning.
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Stay focused.
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Because your comfort zone
isn't even comfortable.
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Don't make it look easy.
The fact is it's really hard
and you're doing it anyway.
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Dare BIG.
Fear small.
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Do what people say you can't,
just because you can.
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Don't be in a hurry in the short
term for things you want to last
for the long term.
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Let the difference between where
you are and where you want to
be inspire you.
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That point where you are about to give
up but decide not to and everything
starts falling into place.
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The middle of the process is no
place to determine the end of it.
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Do. Chill. Do again.
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Make mistake. Repeat.
Make mistake. Repeat.
Make mistake. Do something different.
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Make the invisible visible.
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Sweat the small stuff.
The small stuff is the big stuff.
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The only way to get there
is to decide to.
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Just show up.
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Make the big decisions and the little
decisions will make themselves.
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Figure out where you're going.
Then go there.
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Invest less in proving why
things won't work.
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Roadblocks emerge to either stop
you or reroute you. It's up to you
whether to break through them
or yield their quiet instruction.
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You're not courageous because you
lack fear. You're courageous because
you feel fear and keep going anyway.
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When doing something doesn't work,
do something different instead.
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Do it anyway.
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Be more process oriented.
You're too focused on the goal.
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No sudden moves.
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If you're someone who imagines
but doesn't create, find someone
who creates but doesn't imagine.
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Learn to delay gratification.
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