"If you don't have the will, I will find a way."
Why I WearMy name is Pam Eisenberg and I want to thank Gretel so much for the beautiful necklace that she designed!
I saw her on QVC and put the Classic Fortune Locket on my Wish List. Recently, I decided I would take the plunge and buy it for myself as I reminder that I should do good things for ME!
I've worn it every day since I purchased it. I work at Alzheimer's Association and my job and passion is to raise funds and awareness to support our families going through this horrible disease that has no cure...YET.
The note I got with my necklace is "Use Your Power For Good". It encourages me as I start the year and my commitment to help find a cure and hit my fundraising goal!
I'm now adding other wonderful notes to my collection so I can wear them every week. It was so hard to choose because they all inspired me, but here are the ones I ended up choosing:
Thank you for your vision and for your beautiful necklace of love, hope and inspiration.

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