15 Ways to Express Love on Mother’s Day

If you’re anything like me and my mom, you have a “best friend” kind of relationship. We talk everyday, watch the same TV shows, and even go on vacation together. Mother’s Day is a holiday where I am able to express how thankful I am for her and everything she does for me and my family.
While I express my love for her everyday, saying “Happy Mother’s Day” may imply that it is only one day a year I am showing gratitude for her. If you’re feeling the same way and are looking for inspiration on how to tell your mother, daughter, wife, or any other special female (including yourself!) in your life who is a mom, how much you appreciate them on Mother’s Day and every day, we’ve compiled 15 quotes that may spark ideas—along with fortune-holding jewelry to store them in.

“You will always be in my heart.”
Many mothers put their children and family on the top of their priority list. It’s important to remind these women that their loved ones will always have a special place for them in their hearts and will never be forgotten.
“The good things in life are better with you.”
I think this quote really embodies my mother—she is always trying to make the events in our lives more fun, whether it is getting us our favorite cake for our birthday or surprising us with something extra special for the holidays. She tries her best to make everything a grand moment just because she has so much love for us and constantly goes above and beyond.
“My Forever Friend.”
Friends come and go throughout life, but my mom has always been there for me. She is always there to cheer me up and do whatever she can to make life easier on me. I know I can talk to her about anything and she will never judge me—she will just help me out and give the best advice she has.

“Home is where your mom is.”
My mom is the center of our home. She cooks for us, she does the laundry for my sister and I when we come home from college, and she is always the one who encourages the whole family to help decorate for Christmas. When we were younger, she did even more to take care of us. She is always the one who makes you feel like you are at home no matter where in the world you are. To me, nothing is better than a hug or ressauring word from her.
“Life doesn’t come with a manual. It comes with a mother.”
My mother always says that she has lived through all types of experiences first, so that she can teach us how to get through everything. We may not have a written guide on how to get through difficult times, but we have our mothers who have likely been through something similar. Moms can help give us the advice we need to hear, even though sometimes we might not want to hear it.
“A mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’s.”
The best thing about coming home from college for me is being able to hug my mother. When I’m upset, happy, or anxious, her hugs always are the most warming and welcoming. From when I was little to now, she was always the first person I hugged when I came through the door after school.

“You’re my person.”
My mom just gets me. She understands my emotions and can pick up on how I am feeling and if I am hiding what I am feeling. She just knows who I am and, honestly, I’m like the same person she is. This quote can be more than just a mother/daughter quote—it can be for sisters, a quote from aunt to niece, or even to your significant other.
“I hope to be half the person you are.”
My mom is the most selfless person that I know. She would drive an hour each day to pick me up from high school when I didn’t want to take the bus, she would make my bed on the mornings that I forgot to, and she would make sure to get me and my siblings to all our doctor appointments, even if that meant missing hers. I hope that one day I can have that compassion for my family and friends.
“I admire your strength.”
My mother never gives up—she is the strongest person I know. There are so many mothers and motherly figures that I’ve met and admired for their strength. Many of them put themselves before others and don’t take anything from anyone. They stand up for those who they love and they don’t back down.

“I am who I am today because of you.”
I would never have been able to make it to where I am today without my mom. She is the one who stayed up late studying with me and helping me get through subjects I never thought that I would pass. She also encouraged me to do my best, but also to take a leap and try for what may have seemed to be the “unreachable”. Without her support, I never would have been able to get from my first day of preschool to where I am now.
“You inspire me every day.”
This one can go many ways. Personally, I am inspired by my mother, but this would be a perfect one for a significant other. Mothers have a lot to handle. A lot of times they are working a full-time job while still taking care of their kids, getting them ready for school, and making sure that they are all ready for school events and sports games.
“ I’m so lucky you are my mom.”
I wouldn’t want anyone else as my mom, and I think many of us feel that way. Our mothers can be our built-in best friends. We are all lucky to be blessed with the mother’s we were given, a mother who would go to the ends of the earth for us to make sure we are happy and comfortable.

“One day isn’t enough.”
Although the concept of Mother’s Day is nice and should be celebrated, the one day a year does not make up for everything mothers do the other 364 days of the year. We should be reminding our moms year-round how much they mean to us. We should show our mothers appreciation and love every day, not just do it for the holiday.
“To the moon and back.”
This is a good reminder for the mother in your life that you will go to all ends for them and how much you love them. For my mother, I know this quote would mean a lot to her, especially because it shows I would do whatever she needed me to. Although it seems like it is her “role” to take care of me, it is also my role to take care of her. We all have to be there for our mothers and remind them that they are just as important to us as we are to them.
“I cherish every moment we have together.”
Although when we are going through our teen years, we may want to be with anyone but our mom, it is important to cherish the moments because we won’t have them forever. I know my one moment that I cherish with my mom is our yearly mother/daughter trip to Disney World. These moments are exactly what we need in order to bond and create good memories together. Cherishing every moment gives us more to be appreciative once we do not have them anymore.
I hope these quotes are just what you needed to help get you started on thinking of a special way to tell your mother “Happy Mother’s Day” this year. The best thing about these quotes is any could be adjusted for any motherly figure in your life. Especially during a time when social distancing rules are in place and many of us may not spend the holiday with some of the most influential people in our lives.
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Allie Berloco
Allie Berloco is a writer for Fortune & Frame. She graduated from Marist University with a double major in Media Studies, TV & Film Production and Communications, Journalism. She's sown here in her official Harry Styles fangirl outfit after seeing him perform live on the Today Show in NYC.