What to Put in a Book Locket
Tips & Guides
With three different book pieces, there are endless ways to tell your story. Each piece holds your personal story and what chapter of life you are currently in. No matter what chapter that is, it's important to honor where you currently stand in life.
Each book collection has a different meaning and serves a different purpose. Everyone's story is different and no two chapters will match. Our books allow your story to change and won't force you to stay in a chapter you're ready to move on from. Whether your story is a secret or one that you want to share with everyone, you'll find a book locket for you. Each piece has the ability to speak to you and hold words that guide you.
Secret Diary Book Locket

Our Secret Diary Lockets keep your meaningful words safe at all times Pictured Secret Diary Lockets (Magenta, Emerald, and Pearl)
Have a secret to keep? Need a locket that will protect the words you cherish most? Our Secret Diary Book Locket will do exactly that. Inspire by vintage ornate storybooks, this locket is all about you. No matter what words you are trying to protect, your secret is safe with this piece.
There are so many different secrets that you can put into this locket. Maybe there’s a date that you want to keep close to your heart. Or a goal that you want to reach. It’s okay to not want to go out and advertise it to the world. Keep it personal and keep it on you at all times. Let whatever you place in this locket guide you toward the best version of yourself.
Fortunes with quotes are most commonly placed inside this piece. But since it's all about you, you can put in whatever is most important to you. To some people that may be a picture of a relative or even a special memento.
The best part of this locket is that once you’re ready to tell your world your secrets, you can. This piece opens and closes just like a real book, making the words accessible or able to be switched at any time. So if you change your mind, you can open it up and tell your story.
This piece is sure to be a conversation starter, even if you don't show your words.
Stardust Book Locket

You’re the star of your own story with the Stardust Book Locket. Write your own chapters with inspiring words and favorite book quotes. This locket can hold anything you want. From a favorite romance book quote to your own personal mantra - it was made to tell your story.
Where the Secret Diary Book Locket is all about keeping your secrets, the Stardust Book Locket focuses on expressing yourself. You can place any of the words that guide you inside this book. When people see your locket, you will want to tell them all about it and what those words mean to you.
With this locket’s crystal enamel, this piece is sure to shine just as bright as you do. In my own personal Stardust Book Locket, I have three fortunes that I rotate in and out. They come from my favorite book, my favorite tv show, my favorite inspirational quote, and my favorite song. In case you need some inspiration, I’ll include them down below.
- “You always have a choice” – The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer
- “Don’t apologize for who you are and what you want.” – Pretty Little Liars
- “Opportunities don't happen, you create them.” — Chris Grosser
- “Today is never too late to be brand new.” – Taylor Swift
I chose these quotes because I believe that they align with my own personal story. But the best part is that these fortunes can be changed whenever I want. The words that I relate to at one moment, can change the next. Having the option to allow my words to change as my story does, ensures that I am always representing the most current version of myself.
Secret Scripture Collection
Our Secret Scripture Collection is all about having faith. No matter what that faith is in. Since faith should always be with you, the book holds an engraved scripture inside. With six different pillars (Faith, Seek, Believe, Peace, Love, and Trust), you will be sure to find words that resonate with you.
Personally, I love this collection because I am able to have a certain phrase set in stone whenever I need it. Sometimes it’s hard to even phantom my dreams coming true. But this is where believing comes into play. In the Believe Locket and bracelet, the words “Everything is possible for one who believes.” When your wildest dreams seem impossible, this is a reminder that if it’s something you can create an idea of, you can one day achieve it.
Although engraved, each scripture can relate to different points in your life. It’s so important to hold on to words that can be applied whenever you need them. Even if you feel you no longer need to hear a meaningful phrase at one point in your life, that doesn’t mean you won’t need it sometime down the road. Or, you may even want to look back at those words. You can be thankful for what they helped get you through or what they inspired you to do.
No matter what book locket you end up choosing, you can make it personal to you. You can add or pick any quote that has sentiment to the chapter of life that you are currently in. You can also give a soft nod to your past chapter, but you can also start a new book and get a fresh start. The story of you can go in whichever way you decide to take it. Just remember to be authentic to yourself
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Allie Berloco
Allie Berloco is a writer for Fortune & Frame. She graduated from Marist University with a double major in Media Studies, TV & Film Production and Communications, Journalism. She's sown here in her official Harry Styles fangirl outfit after seeing him perform live on the Today Show in NYC.