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15 Famous Quotes — friendship
Finding your fortunes…
Friendship is like a sheltering tree.
– Samuel Taylor Coleridge
never have to chase:
True friends and true love.
– Mandy Hale
than true! There is no one alive
who is you-er than you!
– Dr. Suess
so you end up almost parent and
sibling to your friends--
your own chosen family.
– Jennifer Aniston
but when you are in, continue
firm and constant.
– Socrates
to be perfect, you can like them
for who they are.
– Donald Miller
old friends who’ve just met.
– Jim Henson
Wherever you are, you will
always be in my heart.
– Mahatma Ghandi
“You don’t spell love, Piglet...
You feel it.”
– A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh
who feel like sunlight.
– Xan Oku
of your life, but only true friends
leave footprints in your heart.
And when you're broken on the ground,
you will be found.
So have a little wallow,
feel very sorry for yourself,
and then get up and move forward.
– Joan Rivers
But to one person, you're the world.
– Dr. Seuss