Our Favorite Short Inspiring Quotes
Tips & Guides
Spring has sprung! With longer hours of daylight, the possibilities on how we spend it are endless.
Maybe even with the warmer weather, you may still need a bit of self-motivation to overcome that winter hibernation. First off, know that it’s normal. Take some time to stretch and smell the roses. When you’re ready to hit the ground running on your goals, start by getting into the right mindset.
One way to do so? By reading short inspiring quotes.
The reason why is because quick phrases are easy to remember, don’t take much time to read, and will likely make more of an impact on you. You can easily share these sayings with family and friends to uplift their day, too.
Positive words can hold the power to boost your mood, productivity, and confidence.

Inspiration for short inspiring quotes can be found anywhere. In the songs we sing, words said by our loved ones, and even in the jewelry we wear.
Fortune & Frame is all about manifesting positivity through words.. Our pieces allow you to customize the message inside our jewelry and even change quotes to align with the chapter of your life. But sometimes, there is that one special motto or short inspiring quote that keeps you grounded, no matter what phase of life you’re in.
For those of you who may not know where to start when picking your favorite short inspiring quote,, we’ve got you covered!

Our engraved jewelry pieces feature some of our all-time favorite phrases you can look at when you need to uplift your mood or remind yourself to keep on keepin’ on. These are words that the F&F team live by each day, so it was only fitting that they were engraved on our pieces. Our community loved these words so much, we just had to add them as a featured, permanent staple to our collection. We are more than excited to share our little secret to staying inspired with you.
These engraved pieces are the perfect everyday wear for yourself, or for a friend who may need a little extra love and hope. It acts as a forever reminder to live your life authentically and remain true to your core values. Quotes such as these have the power to change your frame of mind and lighten the mood.
It can be magical if you let the words do their work!
Read on for the short inspiring quotes featured on our engraved pieces…

If You Want To Feel Empowered…
Are you an overachiever who is constantly tackling a new project? Or someone who is working up to busy bee status? An empowering statement can lift you off your feet and motivate you to work even harder. Uplifting quotes can be the perfect end or beginning to any day, as they can move you forward to face any challenge or accomplish any goal.
Oftentimes, we forget that we hold control of our own destiny and turn around any situation in our favor. It’s easy to let this slip our minds, but just remember your power. This is your life, so it’s up to you to make the most of every day.
These short inspiring quotes we have chosen to feature on our engraved pieces can grow with you each day. They can remind you of your strength to steer life in the direction you choose.
It never hurts to read these when you need to feel a little extra empowered…

If You Are Searching For Clarity…
There comes a point where our lives may come at a crossroads. The world may seem hazy around us and it can be hard to figure out which direction is up or down, let alone the right way to go. Each day comes with new decisions, some big and some small. That is the most exciting part about life, but it can also be one of the most stressful.
Life is filled with uncertainty, especially if you’re going through new beginnings. Unfortunately, none of us are fortune tellers (even though sometimes we wish we could be!) and we have to face each day with the confidence that life will turn out exactly how it is supposed to.
There is one thing we can do to take control: how we live our lives. Some of the best lives lived are by people who were unapologetically themselves and believed in their abilities.
The decisions we must make in our lives will never go away, that is why these short inspiring quotes are the perfect mantras to feature on our engraved jewelry pieces. Read this in times where clarity is a must and it becomes hard to achieve that on your own…

If You Need A Little Self-Love…
The greatest gift we can give to ourselves is love. But through busy days , it can be hard to set aside time to show ourselves some good, old-fashioned TLC.
Love is such a powerful feeling that many of us are so willing to share with someone else but we often forget the person that may need it most: ourselves.
It is so easy to get wrapped up in our own worlds and forget that we are human, not perfect.Well, it’s time to finally take a break from all that for a moment of self-care.
These short inspiring quotes on our engraved pieces are an ideal way to hold your self-love close…
Looking for more short inspiring quotes? Check these out…