Fortune Gallery

Thought-provoking messages and inspiring notes-to-self…

Find the right words to say——and wear——in our gallery of fortunes written by us, you and others.

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688 fortunes

Finding your fortunes…

When you make a decision,
you commit to its journey.
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You know what to do.
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The only way to get there
is to decide to.
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If it's supposed to, it will.
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Treat yourself as well
as you treat others.
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Do first. Talk second.
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The more you trust yourself the more
you'll be able to trust others.
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Just because you love something
doesn't make it right for you.
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Just show up.
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The truth is not confusing.
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Don't do other people's parts.
Just do your own.
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Make sure to do what you love,
not just what you're good at.
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You're allowed to feel however you
want. But must you always act on it?
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Make the big decisions and the little
decisions will make themselves.
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Guilt serves no purpose.
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Identify with everything.
Align with nothing.
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Figure out where you're going.
Then go there.
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People have different opinions
than you. Let them.
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Win like a rookie.
Lose like a pro.
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Do your thing.
Let other people do theirs.
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Redefine everything.
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You can't force a thing to work
when it's not supposed to.
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Go outside and play.
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Don't fall into a role created by
someone else. You're a natural
at the one you've got.
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You are better than your
knee-jerk reactions.
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Who says?
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Be really great at taking criticism.
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Invest less in proving why
things won't work.
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If you want it to be a sign, let it be.
If you fear it's a sign, don't let it be.
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Let disruption and discomfort
be your guides.
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Don't just plant a seed and
let it grow: take pleasure
in its growth.
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Be better at being wrong.
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Not getting what you want usually
gives you information that you need.
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Go all in.
Forego the backup plan.
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Roadblocks emerge to either stop
you or reroute you. It's up to you
whether to break through them
or yield their quiet instruction.
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Marvel at what happens when
you stop interfering.
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You don't need to figure it
out right now.
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It's all in your head.
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You're not courageous because you
lack fear. You're courageous because
you feel fear and keep going anyway.
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When doing something doesn't work,
do something different instead.
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Use your power for good.
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Change your mind.
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Keep looking for the lessons even
when you don't think you need them.
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Let 'yes' be the answer already.
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Do it anyway.
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Nothing means anything until
you make something of nothing.
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Learn to distinguish between what is
familiar and what is love.
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Put this to memory once and for all:
What others think about you doesn't
define you. Vice versa.
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It's allowed to be easy.
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Resist the urge to resist temptation.
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