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19 fortunes — gratitude
Finding your fortunes…
we allow ourselves to recognize
how good things really are.
– Marianne Williamson
who make the best out of
the way things turn out.
– Art Linkletter
DO good.
Shared by Pam Eisenberg
is a waste of the person you are.
– Kurt Cobain
the now, no matter what form it takes.
– Eckhart Tolle
have into enough.
– Unknown
because I choose it every single day.
I choose to practice gratitude.
– Rachel Hollis
Give thanks.
– Dawn Gluskin
choices. Your first choice is to
recognize an intersection. Your
second choice is to be grateful for it.
– Ryan Lilly
between expectations and gratitude:
The more expectations you have,
the less gratitude you will have.
– Dennis Prager
but I’m thankful for not being
where I used to be.
– Habeeb Akande
which generates contentment
that causes peace.
– Todd Stocker
moments to find happiness. It's right
in front of me if I'm paying attention
and practicing gratitude.
– Brene Brown
It makes what is excellent in
others belong to us as well.
– Voltaire
happens in your life;
it’s all an experience.
– Roy T. Bennett
from entitlement is gratitude.
– Brene Brown
is whether you take things for granted
or take them with gratitude.
– G.K. Chesterson
your life. One is as though nothing
is a miracle. The other is as though
everything is a miracle.
– Albert Einstein
have you in my life.