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29 fortunes — letting-go

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Don’t hold onto things
that require a tight grip.
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It does not do
to dwell on dreams
and forget to live.
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–  J.K. Rowling

There are things in life that you can't
control, and aren't supposed to.
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Let go and let the flow.
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–  Jenna Dewan

Whatever happens around you,
don't take it personally... Nothing
other people do is because of you.
It's because of themselves.
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–  Don Miguel Ruiz

You can’t truly heal from a loss
until you allow yourself to
really feel the loss.
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–  Mandy Hale

Trust the wait.
Enjoy not knowing.
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Let go and let the
universe do its thing.
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Everything's gonna be cool.
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Love bad things from
a good distance.
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Some things are just too
heavy to haul around.
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Flow with things rather than
insist they flow with you.
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Let there be no confusion:
Things are unfolding exactly
as they should.
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Nature is self-correcting.
Let it do its thing.
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Things don't always go the way
you planned. Fortunately.
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Don't take the bait.
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If it's supposed to, it will.
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Just because you love something
doesn't make it right for you.
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You're allowed to feel however you
want. But must you always act on it?
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Do your thing.
Let other people do theirs.
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You can't force a thing to work
when it's not supposed to.
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Not getting what you want usually
gives you information that you need.
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Marvel at what happens when
you stop interfering.
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You don't need to figure it
out right now.
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Let things unfold.
Relinquish control.
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The silent person isn't thinking
what you think he is. You are.
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Innocence is bliss.
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Master living in a perpetual state
of not knowing. You are here.
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You simply haven't lived until
you've learned to let go.
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