A collage of quotes about letting go, such as Tips & Guides

18 Quotes on Letting Go

Tips & Guides
A collage of quotes about letting go, such as

This past winter has been hard, to say the least. The seasonal depression and cold temperatures combined with a global pandemic definitely made it hard to get out of bed sometimes. But every morning the sun rises, a new day begins, and we are reminded that no matter what, we keep moving forward.

Letting go of the past allows growth. Reminiscing can be fun but the day comes where it's time to step out and into the next phase of life. As Dumbledore says in Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone, “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”

We have put together a few quotes to help you remember that letting go is a stepping stone to the rest of your life!


Giving Up Control

If you are a control freak like me, giving in to the universe is one of the hardest things you could be asked to do. I’m a Virgo—it’s what we’re known for. There is something comforting in the belief that we can always change or influence the outcomes of any situation in our life. However, although it’s important to take charge, it’s impossible to control everything. 

If letting go of something or someone from your life seems challenging to you, start by taking baby steps. Spend a little less time every day to not think about whatever it is that you want to move away from. The beauty of time is that it can carry the power to heal. Gradually letting go can be much easier than ripping off the band-aid entirely.

When you feel like your life is spiraling, or cascading, out of control, here are some quotes to remind you it’s okay to give up that control:

  • “Marvel at what happens when you stop interfering.”

  • “Let things unfold. Relinquish control.”

  • “You can’t force a thing to work when it’s not supposed to.”

  • “There are things in life that you can’t control, and aren’t supposed to.”

  • “Things don’t always go the way you planned. Fortunately.”

  • “If it’s supposed to, it will.”



    Lighten the Load

    Wouldn’t it be amazing if emotional baggage was lost as easily as a suitcase at an airport? Unsavory memories tend to be a heavy weight on our shoulders that we more often than not keep with us for too long. Letting go of those past moments releases a tension within us and allows us to finally breathe again. When we climb over mountains instead of carrying them, life becomes much easier.

    Remember to, metaphorically, pack light with these quotes inside our Honeycomb Fortune Locket. When the locket is customized with uplifting words, you can carry this mindset with you every time you wear it:

    • "Some things are just too heavy to haul around."

    • “Let go of the battle.”

    • “It’s hard to be clear about who you are when you are carrying around a bunch of baggage from the past.” —Angelina Jolie

    • “Strength is knowing when to put down the weight you’ve been carrying.”

    • “The journey is inevitable, baggage—optional.”

    • “You will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy.” —C. Joybell C. 


    Moving Forward

    When all is said and done, letting go is ultimately a chance to move on. It can be terrifying to step away from the familiar and into the unknown. However, echoes of the past can act as quicksand, leaving you stuck in your reminiscing. Leaving behind the past opens you up to all the amazing opportunities the future holds. So give up control, put down your baggage, and step forward into a new, better tomorrow.

    The next chapter of your life starts now with these quotes:

    • “You simply haven’t lived until you learn to let go.”

    • “Let go and let the universe do its thing.”

    • “Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on.”

    • “Life moves on and so should we.” —Spencer Johnson

    • “Dare to live by letting go.” —Tom Althouse

    • “Never ruin a good day by thinking about a bad yesterday.”


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