How to Buy Jewelry for Every Female Best Friend In Your Life
Tips & Guides
She’s the one you call when a life crisis strikes or when you simply can’t decide which shoes go with your outfit. But more than playing the unofficial role of therapist and stylist, your bestie is the one who truly gets you and doesn’t judge you as you navigate life.
If you’re like me, you might even have a few best friends. There’s the close pal you’ve known since childhood, the former roommate who you still tell every detail of your life to, and that girl you recently bonded with after overhearing her intriguing conversation at a party.

Nothing says "best friends" like matching meaningful jewelry.
Each friendship reveals a different side of you. While one friend might bring out your adventurous and mischievous persona, another reminds you who you are and keeps you grounded when life gets chaotic.
We’ve put together a guide to buying jewelry for your female friend (or all of them), whether you’re shopping for her birthday, celebrating a big life moment, or just because. After all, many women love jewelry and there’s no reason it shouldn’t come from a friend.

We’ll take you through a variety of gifts for girl best friends, and some you can gift yourself as well.
So that you can better imagine each type of friend and which jewelry gifts make sense for her, I’ll be referencing a few of my besties throughout. Even just writing about the topic of female friendshipships has made me realize what a gift it is to be around good company who you can confide in and share life with.
Like the Beatles’ song goes, “I get by with a little help from my friends.”
Gifts for the Girl Best Friend You’ve Known Since Childhood

One of my oldest friends, Jaime, and I met in high school on Long Island. She was the cool artsy girl with curly hair and glasses in my English class and we always spent our lunch hour playing games on our flip phones. On the weekends, we would go ice skating, and during summers, we would work together as camp counselors. One time while we were apart, we made a scrapbook and sent notes to each other to keep in touch, kind of like what the characters of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants did with the jeans. While we don’t see each other as often as we used to, it still feels like yesterday when we do chat.
When it comes to jewelry gifts for childhood friends, consider a piece with a nostalgic element that goes with her current style. Our Fortune Cookie String Bracelets are like a grown-up version of a friendship bracelet. You can get one for yourself, too, to feel closer to your best friend no matter where you are.
To keep the fortune cookie theme going, it might be fun to add a Fortune Frame to your gift and include a personalized, meaningful note inside.
Need help figuring out what to say? A few ideas…
- “Just thinking about a friend makes you want to do a happy dance, because a friend is someone who loves you in spite of your faults.” —Charles M. Schulz
- “As long as there is friendship, today is beautiful.” —Billy Joel
- “Everyone has a friend during each stage of life. But only the lucky ones have the same friend in all stages of life.”
- “Every gift from a friend is a wish for your happiness.” —Richard Bach
- “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” —C.S. Lewis
If You’re Newbie Besties
Greivy and Michelle brought color and fun to New York Fashion Week.
As an adult, it can seem harder to make new friends considering how busy life can get. Luckily, that isn’t the case with two of my best friends Greivy and Michelle. I met them both through a mutual friend at a party hosted by a makeup brand two years ago. Okay, I guess our friendship isn’t exactly new, but they are the most recent besties I’ve made and always put me in a better mood with their upbeat energy.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen either of them not dressed up in bright colors, and although they each have their own style, both of them can pull off even the boldest accessories. The three of us talk constantly about everything from outfits to work and family. Our schedules often clash, but we somehow always make time to catch up.
Maybe you just met a friend or group of girls and felt the BFF sparks, too. If that’s true and you’re looking to buy jewelry for them, consider our Sphere Secret Ring—it looks like a cocktail ring but opens up to reveal a mini scrolled up fortune.
A few friendship quotes options to go inside…
- “Stay close to people who feel like sunlight.” —Xan Oku
- “Friends don’t let friends wear bad outfits.”
- “No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart.”
- “Life was meant for good friends and great adventures.”
- “Friendship is like a rainbow between two hearts.”
If Your Best Friend Is a Family Member
Then and now: always glad to have my sister, Linda, by my side.
I’ve known my older sister, Linda, since birth and wouldn’t exactly say we were “best friends” from day one. With a three-year age gap, there were a lot of sibling fights—nothing too serious and it probably had to do with me borrowing her clothes—while we shared a room growing up. What can I say? We’re sisters! It wasn’t until we lived apart that we became closer through phone calls and FaceTime. There’s no one who knows me the way she does, and no one else I have as many inside jokes with.
Maybe your bestie is also your sister, or your mom (à la Rory and Lorelai in Gilmore Girls), or cousin. In any case, a gift for your female best friend that happens to be related to you is our Flowered Vines Fortune Locket Necklace, which also holds a personalized message inside. This piece is a nod to the fact that sibling rivalry often blossoms into friendship over time.
If Chinese takeout is one of your favorite traditions, consider adding a message from one of your fortune cookies as a thoughtful touch.
Or you can always go with…
- “Sisters make the best friends in the world.” —Marilyn Monroe
- "First my mother, forever my friend." —Unknown
- “A good friend knows all your best stories, but a best friend has lived them with you.”
- “A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.” —Marion C. Garretty
- "A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.” —Elbert Hubbard
If She’s the Adventurous Bestie
Bermuda memories: discovering the town of St George's with Arielle.
The first person I always turn to for honest advice has got to be Arielle. She’s the most motivated person I know and she isn’t afraid to take a chance. Maybe it’s from her job as a social media director (a position where she’s always pitching out-of-the-box ideas), or actually…thinking about it, she has been this way since college. We were roommates at FIT, where we spent four years running around New York City figuring out how to navigate our early 20s through heartbreaks, midterms and job changes. After graduation, she moved to Israel, but we would meet each other across the globe on trips to places like Bermuda, Vienna, and Boston. Now that she’s back in the city, it’s easier to hang out, but I’m glad the distance never separated us.
Do you have a best friend who brings out your adventurous side? Maybe you wouldn’t have booked that trip or tried that new restaurant if it wasn’t for her, but ended up glad you did. A true friend is often one who challenges you to grow, introduce you to new hobbies, and overall, improve your quality of life.
Another recommendation on buying jewelry for a female friend is our Sphere + Wand Locket, which opens up to reveal a secret stroll.
Oh, but what to write inside? How about…
- “The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
- “True friends are always together in spirit.” —L.M. Montgomery
- “Best friends are the people who make you smile brighter, laugh louder, and live better.”
- “Many people walk in and out of your life, but only true friends leave footprints in your heart.” —Eleanor Roosevelt
- “A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.” —Jim Morrison
Gifts for the Girl Best Friend Who Keeps You Grounded
Celebrating more than 10 years of friendship with Brittany.
The friend who I can relate to the most is Brittany since we are surprisingly similar, personality-wise. Over the past 10 years, we’ve had countless shopping trips, brunches, and phone calls through the good times and the hard times. Especially during the beginning of the pandemic, we’ve helped each other get through—or least try our best to get through—the uncertainty of it all. Our conversations always lead to clichés that we believe in, like “What’s meant to be, will be.” She’s actually the friend who reminded me of the saying, “Distance makes the heart grow fonder”, which led me to get my first Fortune & Frame locket to store the message in.
For a friend who has a heart of gold, gift her our Heart + Arrow Bracelet which is inspired by vintage poison jewelry that originated as a way to hold poison back in the day, but evolved to hold perfume, keepsakes and now, personal messages. Add a note of your own to convey personal thoughts to your bestie inside this piece.
Other words that you can never go wrong with…
- “I am fortunate to have you in my life.”
- “Two things you will never have to chase: True friends and true love.” —Mandy Hale
- “Life is not about the quantity of friends you have. It is about the quality of friends you have.” –Unknown
- “There is nothing more valuable in this world than true friendship.”
- “Good friends keep you grounded and help you reach for the sky at the same time.” —Holly Hinton
Whether you have a Jaime, Greivy, Michelle, Linda, Arielle, or Brittany in your life—or you’re fortunate to have a unique friendship of another kind, there’s a meaningful present for every type of female best friend. Here’s to your special bond and let the gift-giving fun begin.
Interested in more gift ideas for her? Check out:

Wendy Sy
Wendy is a New York City writer who has contributed to publications including Allure, AVENUE, Beauty and Well-Being, NewBeauty, InStyle, and Billboard. Read more of her stories at Style Meets Story or find her on Instagram at @sy.wendy.